Saturday, June 16, 2018


Less than two weeks.

I can't tell you how many people have asked me if I'm all packed up. No. No, I'm not. I still have to exist in the days before I move. Let me just put my bed in storage and pack up all my underwear and live out of a suitcase for over a week. I'll be doing that soon enough.

When going to a country like China there are other preparations. Like finding VPN's that work and getting them pre-loaded. Making sure the documents you triple checked are quadruple checked so they let you out of the airport. Making sure your bank doesn't freak out and lock down all your accounts. Figuring out how you're gonna stay in touch with friends and family (Skype: caboose2006. WeChat: caboose2006. Reddit: caboose2006. Steam: caboose2006. At least I'm consistent. ) What about your mail? How about recurring bills? Packing is very very low on my agenda, and yes Kim my room's a mess. I'm cleaning everything when everything's out of here. Sheesh.

Starting Monday things will be moving very fast for me. That's T-minus 1 week. All of you are gonna want to get your goodbyes and farewells in. I may not have time, don't take it personally. All of you are welcome to come run errands with me. All of you are welcome to keep me company while I pack. And all of you are welcome to help me move my shit into Erin's' garage (pizza and beer provided).

You are all wonderful and beautiful people.

Best Wishes,


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